Monday, December 28, 2009

ACME Tone Shaper for Stratocaster

The ToneShaper for Stratocaster® is a revolutionary new product that replaces the controls on your Strat's pickguard with a control assembly that is passive (no batteries!) and solderless (absolutely no soldering required!).
Flip the mini DIP switches to re-configure the board, trying different combinations until you dial in the settings to your liking. No more reading other people's opinions on Harmony Central and then agonizing over how to configure your prewired assembly, now you can try different settings using your guitar, your gear, your hands, and your ears, until you arrive at the configuration that gives you what you want to hear.
In six months, when you decide that the grass is greener on the other side, you can start all over again and chase your tail some more. It's a neurosis, and we understand.

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